I'm happy to report that our team is home, safely and soundly, after a long day of travel. Although we were all excited to return to our homes, beds, clean clothes (especially clothing that does not include scrubs;), and friends and families, the journey home is always bitter sweet. Friendships have been made, not just with our teammates, but with our new Nicaraguan brothers and sisters and those goodbyes are never easy. Thankfully with technology, we will be able to stay connected to the few that have Facebook, but final hugs and our one last "gracias, Dios le Bendiga" to the church members still stings a bit. What the Lord provided and allowed us to experience while in Leon was nothing short of amazing, and we are all better for it.
As a final recap, we were able to see and treat 300 patients in 3.5 days of clinic. Of those 300, 50 accepted Christ for the first time and others rededicated their lives back to him!!! Over 1,000 prescriptions were filled, along with most of the 300 also receiving glasses and one hearing aid. Treating their earthly ailments was such a blessing, but allowing 50 patients the opportunity to hear that this hard life they've been dealt is not permanent, and that the Lord loves them and has greater plans for them, is something that time will not take away when their prescriptions run out and we've all gone home. And THAT new hope for them is what it's all about in the end.
Thank you, one last time, for your prayers, support, and comments! Your notes from home bridged the gaps that you sometimes feel, and often times boosted our energy levels after a long day at clinic. It's been a pleasure to share the stories with you and we hope you'll join us in continuing to pray for the people we met, treated, and fell in love with over the last 8 days. Lives have been changed, ours included, and we couldn't have done it without the grace of God and your love and support.
Adios Nicaragua. We will miss you, but I have a sinking suspicion that quite a few of us will be back next year;)
Muchas gracias and Dios le Bendiga!!!
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