Welcome to our journey. We're so glad to have you!
As we prepare for, and soon embark on our journey, this blog will not only be a window into our travels and experiences, but also a way for us to share with our supporters in the good works along the way. So many people have helped make this trip possible and for that we are grateful! We hope you'll stay tuned to see what and who your support impacts. We also ask that you will continue to pray for us and the people we will serve while we're in Nicaragua.
Friday, August 19, 2011
They Didn't Have to...
Thursday, August 18, 2011
A great success!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Day Two of Clinic= Success!
Dear family and friends,
Today we gratefully served 125 patients, 16 of which accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. (Glory be to God!). This is a significant jump from yesterday when we served 79 patient and 11 accepted the Lord! God willing, tomorrow will see even more. Leon is predominantly a Catholic town. As to our surprise they run a school, a clinic, and many other things that have an immense influence on the people of Leon. We were informed tonight that the Catholic “association” blackmails its members by threatening to take way scholarships and health care if they attend a Christian church. Thankfully our Lord works against those odds.
Highlights from today…Today we were not only able to offer general medicine but specialties such as psychological counseling, dental and cardiology. Jordn, a PA student we are very proud of, was able to diagnose specific cardiopathologies. (Yeah, Jordan!). Shawna was titled the most loving triage nurse by one of the young boys we cared for as well, which is a high complement from a 12 year old. Jeff would ask some patients were they lived and what church they attend. One situation that struck him was an older woman in her 70’s, almost disappointingly answered that she was a Catholic, thinking we might deny her but Jeff said it was okay and gave some of the best love, and personal medical attention she had probably received in her life. That instance shows that there are religious prejudices here in Leon and we hope to show our patients that the Lord loves us all the same and being a Catholic, Baptist, etc…is not something to be ashamed of by any means.
Jeanie, our dental assistant for the day stated that in working with Dr. Eyra, our chief dentist, was such an amazing example of Christ’s love. They cared for a young boy whose teeth were in such horrible condition they had to extract an adult tooth at age 11. When the child saw the needle to numb his mouth he child began to panic, and the Dentist and Jeanie stopped, prayed for the young boy, and continued to perform and complete the procedure with no complications. Many other people did amazing things for the glory of God and to serve the people, but of course we don’t have enough time to recap everyone’s successes. We do want to mention each member and how proud we are of them for serving and being willing to let God work through them despite the heat and fatigue. Our amazing team: Brittany, Jeff, John, Jonathan, Carrie, Reid, Jeanie, Veronica, Jordon, Ryan, Meagan, Catherine, Melissa, Carly, Lee, Shawna, Mike, Lona, and Joan. ---God is truly at work over here in Nicaragua.
Thank you for your prayers,
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Meeting Our Other Half
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Safe and Sound!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Meet Our Team
I'm pleased to introduce:
Jeff- Medical team leader, physician, seasoned missionary
Brittany- Co-leader, Nicaragua veteran and your author
Joan- well traveled missionary, Nica veteran, pharmacy guru
Jonathan- Translator extraordinaire, Nica, veteran, and team comedian
Mike- Brings EMT knowledge to the team, team handy man if needed
Shawna- Nurse and the lovely wife of Mike
Lana- Pharmacy guru representing Heartland Church in Rockford, IL
Jordan- PA student, team musician, Spanish expert
Megan- PA student
Veronica- Nursing student, fluent in Spanish
John- "Dr. Juan", ER physician
Carrie- Nurse, experienced missionary
Reid- Translator, puppeteer for the little ones
Melissa- PA student, fluent in Spanish
Ryan- College student, writing and construction strengths, son of Jeff
Carly- PA student, recently engaged to Lee! (Congrats!)
Lee- Will most likely serve in children's ministry, fiance of Carly
Jeannie- Representing Seacoast Irmo
Catherine- PA student, team worship leader
We hope you'll continue to pray for us as we prepare to head out. Thank you for your support on behalf of the awesome 19 people listed above!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Leon, Here We Come...Again!

In less than one month 19 teammates will venture off to Leon, Nicaragua, to host a free medical clinic from August 13-20th. To say that we're excited would be a small understatement! After meeting, planning, and raising funding over the last 5 months, we're ready to be there and get to work.
We hope you'll continue to visit our blog to track our progress, listen to patient stories, and continue to pray for safe travels and for healing for the people we will meet and treat. Please also feel free to post notes to your loved ones and friends on the team while we're traveling. Words from home mean a lot and help us recharge our batteries!
Please stay tuned!
Brittany and the Nica Team